3331 Palo Verde Ave Long Beach, CA, United States

Women’s Bible Study @ the Millers

4702 Snowden Ave Lakewood, CA, United States

Facilitators: Colvin and Miller; Hosting Marilyn MillersContact: Marilyn Miller 562.922.20241 Samuel by John MacArthur

Women’s Bible Study @ the Millers

4702 Snowden Ave Lakewood, CA, United States

Facilitators: Colvin and Miller; Hosting Marilyn MillersContact: Marilyn Miller 562.922.2024David- by Charles Swindoll

Youth Winter Camp @ Ponderosa Pines

31324 GREEN VALLEY LAKE RD RUNNING SPRINGS Running Springs, CA, United States

Meet @ church/Leave by 1PM, 2/28 Back at church by 2PM, 3/2 Contact: Hank McWatters 562.552.6531

NA In-Person Meeting

Rm 102, Sanctuary or back patio used depending on size of the group; Also Kitchen Contact: Yvonne Turco 562.230.0574