

Women’s Ministries at LBAC is designed to meet the needs of women in our church family and surrounding community through Bible study, fellowship, mentoring and service opportunities. Knowing that women’s lives can become overburdened with many good things to do, each aspect of Women’s Ministry meets only once a month. Please join us at any (or all) of the following Women’s Ministry Gatherings.

Women Connecting with Missions

This group meets at various times of the year to focus on local and foreign missionaries. WCWM provides women with a time of learning, fellowship, and prayer.

Crafty Women

Come with your projects on the third Saturday of each month, to fellowship with other women as you get your crafting done.

Lydia House Ministries

An opportunity to serve the homeless women of Long Beach, our Lydia House ministries provides a meal and short Bible study for the women’s portion of the Long Beach Rescue Mission. Our service day is the third Thursday of each month.

Women's Gatherings

Women’s Ministry provides an opportunity for women to gather together for a variety of activities, including clothing swaps, book groups and teas. Please see the church calendar for upcoming Gatherings.