Sweat Investment

• February 25, 2024

YouTube video

WORSHIP GUIDE (Including Sermon Notes & Occasional Special Inserts): https://lbac.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/02_25_2024-Worship-Guide.pdf


✞ MEN’S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST, MARCH 9 AT 8AM. Men, time to get together for some food, fellowship, and encouragement. Sign up at the Courtyard table after the service today. Contact John Moses (562.755.0920) with questions.

✞ ALL-CHURCH WORK DAY, SATURDAY, MARCH 9 AT 9:30AM. This Work Day will take place after the Men’s Breakfast so mark your calendars to come and help get our church buildings get ready for Easter. Sign- up in the Courtyard after the service. Not able to make it on the Work Day? Contact Jeremiah Holden (760.224.4178) with tasks that can be done prior to Easter.

✞ VISION SCHOOL (SHORT TERM MISSIONS TRAINING), BEGINNING MARCH 16, 10AM-1PM. Come to the first meeting to find out all about this exciting opportunity to serve. Contact Vince and Sue Palacios (svpalacios6@gmail.com) or Debi Bowers (562.225.7537) with any questions.